There is a portable toilet on the Millgate Car Park, really intended for the convenience of bands, and another pod in the car park of St Thomas’ Church on Lawton Street (well sign posted).
The village public houses are generous in sharing their facilities with visitors and there is a very well kept community toilet in Saddleworth Craft Shop.



Parking is available at Saddleworth Business Centre at the junction of the A62 and The Sound, we are extremely grateful to the owners for allowing us this facility. Please make sure you leave before midnight when the premises are locked. This really is the best place to park and only a short walk into the village, either by the riverside path or via The Sound.

Disabled parking is available at the far end of Gartside Street by the Doctor’s Surgery, wheelchairs will be given priority in the spectator’s area.
Please be aware that to facilitate the Church Walks of Wintess and the Band Contest, there are multiple ‘No Parking’ restrictions throughout the day on the streets around the village.

The Contest has signed road closures at the A62 cross-roads and Whit Lion junction, operative from 4.00 pm until midnight (see map).
Public car parking is made available for visitors at the Saddleworth Business Centre, to the rear of the Old Bell Inn, but needs to be vacated by midnight when it is secured. Grains Road is another parking area, however this road can become severely congested and it is a long uphill walk to retrieve your vehicle at the end of the night. Although there are car parks within the village, these cannot be used between 4.00 pm and midnight as only contest coaches are allowed movement during this period.
It has to be emphasised that in all recommended parking areas, the contest informs you that vehicles are parked ‘at the owner’s risk’.